文章主要是关于细粒度高频率观测程序性能,作者yangxi,文章和实验代码均可以在github上找到 。一般的程序性能观测采样是采用的linux的perf模块,但是perf只能观测较为宏观的程序性能参数,如果进行高频度的观测,观测程序就会对被观测程序进行影响,而这篇文章中的shim正是为解决这个问题而存在的。而shim之所以能在elfen论文中被使用也正是因为其高频度的准确观测程序数据,这一点使得其能够高频度观测到cpu空闲的区间,进而被elfen所用。
ppid 内核模块

diff --git a/kernel/sched/core.c b/kernel/sched/core.c index 649c9f8..e5a02fd 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/core.c +++ b/kernel/sched/core.c @@ -3365,6 +3365,9 @@ pick_next_task(struct rq *rq) BUG(); /* the idle class will always have a runnable task */ } +void (*switchCallBack)(struct task_struct *prev,struct task_struct *next) = NULL; +EXPORT_SYMBOL(switchCallBack); + /* * __schedule() is the main scheduler function. */ @@ -3445,6 +3448,9 @@ need_resched: sched_preempt_enable_no_resched(); if (need_resched()) goto need_resched; + + if (switchCallBack) + switchCallBack(prev,next); } static inline void sched_submit_work(struct task_struct *tsk)
模块初始化 ppid_map_init
ppid模块初始化的过程中,主要利用了 dma_alloc_coherent 函数分配了一段无cache的连续内存,dma_alloc_coherent这个函数本来是为DMA设备进行内存分配的,在被调用时实际上是会返回两个值
- 函数的返回值,void *类型,代表缓冲区的内核虚拟地址
- dma_handle保存相关的总线地址,即物理地址,为DMA设备所用
,在初始化过程中这个字符设备会加如内核中,并在之后的映射过程与分配的无cache内存进行关联。 手动创建shell脚本如下
#!/bin/bash if [ -a /dev/ppid_map ] then echo "/dev/ppid_map is exist already." exit fi deviceID=`cat /proc/devices | grep ppid | grep -o [0-9]*` echo $deviceID mknod /dev/ppid_map c $deviceID 0 ls -lh /dev/ppid_map
文件操作映射过程 .mmap = mmap_mmap
/** * ppid_test.c */ #include < stdio.h> #include < unistd.h> #include < sys/mman.h> #include < sys/types.h> #include < sys/stat.h> #include < fcntl.h> #include < stdlib.h> #define NPAGES 1 int main(void) { int fd; int *kadr; int len = NPAGES * getpagesize(); if ((fd=open("/dev/ppid_map", O_RDWR|O_SYNC)) < 0) { perror("open"); exit(-1); } fprintf(stderr, "/dev/ppid_map: open OK\n"); kadr = mmap(0, len, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED| MAP_LOCKED, fd, 0); if (kadr == MAP_FAILED) { perror("Could not mmap /dev/ppid_map"); exit(-1); } fprintf(stderr, "ppid_map: mmap OK\n"); int cpu = 0; while(1){ for (cpu=0; cpu< 8; cpu++){ int *buf = kadr + cpu * (64/sizeof(int)); printf("CPU%d: tgid %d pid %d\n", cpu, buf[0], buf[1]); } sleep(1); } close(fd); return(0); }
下面,为输出结果,由于测试平台为intel 双核四线程cpu,故只输出了cpu0到cpu3的结果,结果为线程与cpu号的一一对应
/dev/ppid_map: open OK ppid_map: mmap OK CPU0: tgid 238 pid 238 CPU1: tgid 5774 pid 5774 CPU2: tgid 0 pid 0 CPU3: tgid 0 pid 0 CPU4: tgid -1 pid -1 CPU5: tgid -1 pid -1 CPU6: tgid -1 pid -1 CPU7: tgid -1 pid -1 CPU0: tgid 7 pid 7 CPU1: tgid 5774 pid 5774 CPU2: tgid 1878 pid 1878 CPU3: tgid 0 pid 0 CPU4: tgid -1 pid -1 CPU5: tgid -1 pid -1 CPU6: tgid -1 pid -1 CPU7: tgid -1 pid -1 ...
shim 核心代码
struct shim_hardware_event { int index; int fd; struct perf_event_attr perf_attr; struct perf_event_mmap_page *buf; char * name; }; typedef struct shim_worker_struct shim; struct shim_worker_struct{ int cpuid; int nr_hw_events; struct shim_hardware_event *hw_events; int (*probe_other_events)(uint64_t *buf, shim *myshim); int (*probe_tags)(uint64_t *buf, shim * myshim); };

作者在shim中提供了一些基本的函数,如relax_cpu释放cpu控制权,作用相当于机器指令中的pause, 另外rdtsc用来获取当前的周期数,get_cpuid用来获取cpuid。主要部分还是对于perfmon库提供的函数进行的封装。
利用perf库的 pfm_initialize()函数来查询有效PMU事件进行激活

利用gcc *.c -o shim -lpthread -lpfm
/* shim_example.c */ #include "shim.h" #define MAX_HW_COUNTERS (10) #define INDEX_HW_COUNTERS (2) int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; int trustable; shim_init(); shim * my = (shim *)calloc(1, sizeof(shim)); shim_thread_init(my, 0, argc-1, argv+1); uint64_t begin[MAX_HW_COUNTERS]; uint64_t end[MAX_HW_COUNTERS]; shim_read_counters(begin, my); printf("hello world\n"); shim_read_counters(end, my); trustable = shim_trustable_sample(begin, end, 99, 101); printf("Trustable samples:%d\n", trustable); for (i=0; i< my->nr_hw_events; i++){ printf("%s, end: %lld, begin: %lld, diff: %lld\n", my->hw_events[i].name, (unsigned long long)end[INDEX_HW_COUNTERS + i], (unsigned long long)begin[INDEX_HW_COUNTERS + i], (unsigned long long)end[INDEX_HW_COUNTERS + i] - (unsigned long long)begin[INDEX_HW_COUNTERS + i]); } }
使用 perf list
可以查看有哪些perf事件可以测量,如下为测量branch-instructions branch-misses bus-cycles instructions cpu-cycles的结果
>./shim branch-instructions branch-misses bus-cycles instructions cpu-cycles ref-cycles init shim thread at cpu 0 SHIM 0:creat 0 hardware event name:branch-instructions, fd:3, index:0 SHIM 0:creat 1 hardware event name:branch-misses, fd:4, index:1 SHIM 0:creat 2 hardware event name:bus-cycles, fd:5, index:2 SHIM 0:creat 3 hardware event name:instructions, fd:6, index:40000000 SHIM 0:creat 4 hardware event name:cpu-cycles, fd:7, index:3 SHIM 0:creat 5 hardware event name:ref-cycles, fd:8, index:40000002 updateindex event branch-instructions, fd 3, index 0 updateindex event branch-misses, fd 4, index 1 updateindex event bus-cycles, fd 5, index 2 updateindex event instructions, fd 6, index 40000000 updateindex event cpu-cycles, fd 7, index 3 updateindex event ref-cycles, fd 8, index 40000002 hello world Trustable samples:1 branch-instructions, end: 45704, begin: 45209, diff: 495 branch-misses, end: 1474, begin: 1395, diff: 79 bus-cycles, end: 17373, begin: 16699, diff: 674 instructions, end: 143085, begin: 140616, diff: 2469 cpu-cycles, end: 114990, begin: 104869, diff: 10121 ref-cycles, end: 75271, begin: 57747, diff: 17524